
KP Institute of Medical Sciences Understand that in an emergency, time is of essence, our emergency department remains committed to the rapid assessment and management of such patients.

Radiology is a branch of medicine that uses imaging technology to diagnose and treat disease. Radiology may be divided into two different areas, diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology.

We Have highly skilled team of experience Radiologists and Technicians comprises our Radiology Team. The highly advanced technology combined with high expertise ensures 100% accurate results which helps build right diagnosis. The facilities include: CT Scan (500 Slice), Advanced MRI (1.5 Tesla), 4D Ultrasound, Digital X-Ray, Bone Densitometry, Colour Doppler.

We have invested in the latest technological advances, so that our patient can get the benefit of all relevant diagnostics under one roof. Our team of experienced radiologists help to interpret the diagnostic modalities to facilitate the best possible therapeutic approach for the treating Doctor. We pride ourselves on synchronization between our radiological team and our physicians and surgeons , so that the patient can fully benefit from a combined interdepartmental approach.

Range of Services

  • Digital X-Ray
  • Ultrasound
  • Color Doppler
  • CT Scan
  • MRI
  • Bone Densitometry (Dexa Scan)

CT Guided Procedures :-

  • FNAC
  • Biopsy
  • Drainage of Collection
  • Ultrasound Guided Procedures :-
  • FNAC
  • Biopsy
  • Drainage of Collection
  • PCN


All types of barium studies:-

  • MCU, RGU
  • IVP, HSG
  • T-Tube Cholangiogram
  • Fistulogram,Sinogram
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